Facebook has an enormous amount of information about an incredible number of people, and yet somehow, they weren’t able to predict how big this Cambridge Analytica story would get. After years of collecting and sharing the psychographic profiles of others, this might be a good time for the company — and the broader tech industry — to take a good look at itself. Wired’s Nick Thompson and Fred Vogelstein on the hurricane that flattened Facebook. “The crisis was familiar in a way: Facebook has burned its fingers on issues of data privacy frequently in its 14 year history. But this time it was different. The data leakage hadn’t helped Unilever sell mayonnaise. It appeared to have helped Donald Trump sell a political vision of division and antipathy. The news made it look as if Facebook’s data controls were lax and that its executives were indifferent.”
+ The hurricane is drawing its energy from two significant storm fronts. First, there’s what we’re learning about the way the folks at Cambridge Analytica do business, including the (probably overstated) message targeting, and the the fake news, the Ukrainian women, the bribes, and more. Channel 4 News went undercover. And even they had to be surprised at how much they got.
+ Then there’s the Facebook part of the story — the part we’ve been hearing about for years. As Slate’s Will Oremus explains: The Real Scandal Isn’t What Cambridge Analytica Did. It’s what Facebook made possible. (Yes, selling your information is a feature, not a bug.)
+ Now the UK wants to talk to Zuck and the FTC is probing the company. And still, Facebook seems determined to keep a lid on the story when the lid has been blown so far off it’s probably in the same orbit as Elon Musk’s Tesla.
+ Editor’s note: Dear Mark. You know more about tech than I ever will and you’re a hell of a lot more successful at it. But I know a ton about media, so I offer this advice. Dude, say something…