It’s got the kind of media coverage represented in The Post, the international ramifications of Darkest Hour, and its protagonist has been as silent as the main character in The Shape of Water. While most of us were watching the Oscars, The New Yorker was publishing Jane Mayer’s wildly interesting piece on Christopher Steele, the man behind the Trump dossier. This is how the ex-spy tried to warn the world about Trump’s ties to Russia, and what happened next. “Would Steele end up in a U.S. federal penitentiary? Would a Putin emissary knife him in a dark alley somewhere? … The dossier had infuriated both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump by divulging allegedly corrupt dealings between them. ‘You’ve got oligarchs running both superpowers … And, incredibly, they both hate this same guy…'” (Which probably leaves Steele feeling as stressed as the protagonist in Get Out.)