The Teen Age

“I don’t even have a job. I don’t even have any money. Stopping this from happening again is my life now.” So said Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School senior Emma Gonzalez as she described efforts by students determined to turn their grief into political change. From James LaPorte in The Daily Beast: In Parkland, the Kids Are Already Changing Things on Guns. It’s a long way from here to actual change. But these young people have taken the first (and, these days, maybe the hardest) step: They have our attention. A school walk-out is scheduled for next month, and this afternoon there’s a march on Florida’s capital.

+ The news comes at us so fast these days, and we quickly move on to the next story. But this time, hit the pause button and pay attention to the Florida teens who have found their political voices. And focus on the speech that Emma Gonzalez delivered. It was historic and heroic. I read a lot of news. And this story feels different. My take: Do Better Than Us.

+ The New Yorker: How the Survivors of Parkland Began the Never Again Movement.

+ Buzzfeed: Here’s What It’s Like At The Headquarters of The Teens Working To Stop Mass Shootings. “Teens are trying to start a revolution from their parents’ living rooms.”

+ “For everyone, it was a distraction or a reprieve. A lot of people here felt like it was a reprieve from seven or eight days of just getting pummeled.” WaPo: For the weary White House, Florida shooting offered a ‘reprieve’ from scandals. (Editor’s note: Just wow.)

+ Once the kids started speaking out, the bots and trolls came for them.

+ The NYT’s Andrew Ross Sorkin with an interesting idea: “What if the finance industry — credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard and American Express; credit card processors like First Data; and banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — were to effectively set new rules for the sales of guns in America.” (My dad thinks the teen organizers should go local and convince people to picket in front of gun stores that sell semiautomatic weapons.)

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