Five Ring Circus

The New Yorker on Noriaki Kasai, the Japanese Ski-Jumping Legend Going for Gold at Forty-Five. “Over the past week, as I spoke with élite ski jumpers in the U.S. about Kasai, I kept hearing comparisons to the ageless New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady.” (Ironically, the ski jumper participates in the safer sport.)

+ “An M.I.T. grad from Brookline competing for Israel in skeleton; a Duke doctoral student from North Carolina on the Korean women’s hockey team and a former American Olympic skier from Colorado now whizzing down the mountain for Mexico.” One of America’s biggest 2018 exports: Olympic Athletes.

+ Great photos from the first few days of Pyeongchang 2018.

+ “Ice is solid water. You know that. But what happens when it becomes a solid makes this substance unusual and fascinating.” The surprising science of why ice is so slippery.

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