Big Little Lies

Led by the man at the top, lying has been the calling card of the Trump administration. President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year. We’ve become so inured to the relentless barrage of often ridiculous lies that we rightfully wonder whether there is any downside to the practice. The price paid (if any) for wanton lying will once again be put to the test as the White House comes under increased scrutiny over its handling of the Rob Porter vetting, firing, and critically, the stories told in the aftermath of his departure. We’re used to the White House being contradicted by the media specifically, and reality broadly, but this time, the administration’s story is being contradicted by the FBI.

+ “While the president often makes a hash of the truth, aides took Kelly’s word at face value until they were confronted with zigzagging accounts of the events leading up to former staff secretary Rob Porter’s resignation — and Kelly’s role in them.” Politico: John Kelly is increasingly isolated as the Porter scandal rages on.

+ CNN: Porter was up for promotion despite abuse allegations.

+ David Graham in The Atlantic: “How could it be that Porter was still working with an interim clearance, and perhaps in line for a promotion, even after the FBI had delivered a report that recommended he not be granted clearance? … This shows a fundamental truth of the clearance process: There’s no mechanism to enforce it.”

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