This SOTU Shall Pass
Dicky Durbin, Pocahontas, Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Flakey, Liddle Bob Corker, Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, Crazy Bernie, and Crying Chuck were all in attendance as President Trump used his first State of the Union address to call for more unity. These speeches are wildly over-covered and soon forgotten. In the end, the biggest news of the night may have been that the president didn’t tweet for at least 90 minutes.
+ Here are five big moments from the address.
+ SOTU Faced? The tone was different, the content was familiar. And the truthfulness? Check out the fact-checks from WaPo and AP.
+ WaPo: “The speech offered a window into what might have been, if he had stuck to script and shown more self-discipline during his first year.”
+ Here are some winners and losers and here are some more.
+ Linguists might enjoy this list of the words Trump used in his State of the Union that had never been used before.
+ Speak softly and carry a big Chapstick. Meanwhile, Joe Kennedy held his own delivering the Democratic response (and more than held his own when applying the lip balm.)
+ “There’s infighting, early-morning Twitter rants, and the looming, if far-fetched, threat of early cancellation.” Buzzfeed’s Tarini Parti gets us warmed up for season two of Potus. (The show sort of sucks without Omarosa…)