Chit Chat with Chitwood

“So how, in this time of acrimonious national division, did Volusia County elect as its sheriff a man like Michael J. Chitwood, a product of South Philadelphia, a self-styled progressive reformer, a vocal defender of undocumented immigrants? How did Chitwood gain endorsements from both the National Rifle Association and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and decisively defeat both the favorite of the good-ol’-boy network and the darling of the deputies union?” The Marshall Project on the new sheriff in town. One clue to his unlikely rise could be his, well, plain-spoken vibe. When presented with criticisms from all political sides, Chitwood responds: “All I am gonna say is this: f*ck ‘em. I got a job for four years, if they don’t like it, get out.” (Suddenly, I’m rethinking my strategy for responding to hate mail…)

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