“It is as if humankind were packed into a bus racing through an impenetrable fog. Somewhere ahead is a cliff: a calamitous reversal of humanity’s fortunes. Nobody can see exactly where it is, but everyone knows that at some point the bus will have to turn. Problem is, Wizards and Prophets disagree about which way to yank the wheel. Each is certain that following the other’s ideas will send the bus over the cliff. As they squabble, the number of passengers keeps rising.” But don’t worry. We probably won’t reach the cliff for at least another thirty years or so. Charles C. Mann in The Atlantic: Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People? (I’ve been led to believe that, even in the worst case scenario, Prime members will be fed.)

+ We may have a few decades before we need to worry about running out of food. But in Cape Town, they have until April before they run out of water.