Amazon Go has opened its doors, and ArsTechnica went shopping in the store where you check in, but you don’t check out. “The idea is to grab whatever items you want, toss them in a bag of your choice (Amazon has tons of free, bright-orange canvas bags available), and leave without once manually scanning items or interacting with a clerk. Your smartphone app will immediately confirm that your shopping trip has ended, and it’ll share a notice that your receipt will arrive soon—mine took about 15 minutes. That’s it. Amazon will bill a credit card of your choosing.” (The process will be even smoother when the entire globe is one giant Amazon store.)

+ Recode: Here’s what the new Amazon Go cashierless convenience store looks like.

+ My friend Jeff O’Keefe did an ad for IBM that basically predicted this store in 1998.

+ Amazon is the master of efficiency. So why are ‘entire aisles empty‘ at Whole Foods?