“Eyelashes freeze; frostbite is a constant danger; and cars are usually kept running even when not being used, lest their batteries die in temperatures that average minus-58 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.” Welcome to the coldest place on earth, population 500. And no, you’re not going to get off from school for a snow day. Wired has some photos.

+ This is oddly enjoyable. Reporter Talks About Atlanta’s Bad Road Conditions, Car Promptly Crashes Behind Him.

+ “Either you write 100,000 words a day or you meet people and develop ties of affection. You can’t do both.” McSweeney’s: How To Write 100,000 Words Per Day, Every Day. (It’s easy to write the hundred thousand words. The hard part is editing all that down to a tweet.)

+ Reminder: NextDraft will be off on Thursday because I’ll be flying home after watching Springsteen on Broadway tonight. (Yes, once again, you’ve underestimated my power.)