Image is Everything

It was, the “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.” So said Sean Spicer (still remember him?) even though the photos of the event told a different story. And so began a year in which photos, like all other forms of media, would play an even more dramatic role than usual. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But it’s got to be worth at least twice that in Bitcoin. And there’s no better way to review the year in news than by reviewing the year in images. Here’s a look back courtesy of InFocus:

+ Part One: A rainy inauguration, a jobless kitesurfer, the ruins of Mosul, a little boy playing in a big truck.

+ Part Two: An eclipse of the sun, an eclipse of our values in Charlottesville, and Hurricane Harvey.

+ Part Three: Rocket Man, Irma, kneeling NFLers, Vegas, California fires, and the paper towel toss heard round the world.

+ And if the last thing you need is a review of the news in 2017, you can check out NatGeo’s best photos of the year instead.

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