The Zion King
“Trump repeated his earlier assertions that he had to follow through on his campaign pledge, seemingly irritated by objections over security and the break with previous policy.” WaPo takes you inside one of Trump’s biggest decisions yet: Trump had for months been determined to move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
+ “People are waking up to the fact that the president doesn’t see grays and doesn’t like pastels. He is very proud that he’s fulfilled so many campaign promises, and the embassy decision is another notch on his belt.” NYT: For Trump, an Embassy in Jerusalem Is a Political Decision, Not a Diplomatic One.
+ The decision sparked protests and a call for a new intifada. CNN has the latest.
+ From American Jews, praise and alarm. (Here’s a take from this American Jew: The man who made the Jerusalem decision wondered why the Civil War couldn’t be solved peacefully, thought Frederick Douglass was still alive, and recently said this about the Middle East peace process: “It is something that I think is frankly, maybe, not as difficult as people have thought over the years.” So his decision-making prowess in this arena gives me pause.)
+ “Why in the world would you just give this away for free and not even use it as a lever to advance the prospect of an Israeli-Palestinian deal?” Tom Friedman: Trump, Israel and the Art of the Giveaway.