Let’s Go Deutsche

Life comes at you fast. Trump news comes at you faster. But as I wrote in The Most Ridiculous Story So Far, I think it’s worth pausing for this one. “While under house arrest for being a liar who was working with the Russians, Paul Manafort worked with a Russian to spread lies.”

+ “Deutsche Bank always cooperates with investigating authorities in all countries.” So said one of Trump’s favorite lenders as Mueller’s team subpoenas Trump’s Deutsche Bank records. (In other words, red line crossed.)

+ “This isn’t the outdoors brand’s first showdown against Trump, having criticized him for leaving the Paris climate change agreement … But this is a step further for any company—even Patagonia.” In one more sign of that everything is political now, Patagonia Is Suing the Trump Administration.

+ How did Ryan Zinke go from driving a Prius to becoming Trump’s attack dog on the environment?

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