“And all of the sudden I come to the end of the hall, er aisle, and here’s this little girl, and she’s sort of bouncing up and down and pointing at me. And she said, ‘Hi old person. Today’s my birfday.'” A grieving man. A bubbly litte girl. A friendship that would seem over the top even if you saw it on Hallmark special. But that’s how we roll during a Good News Only Pre-Thanksgiving Extravaganza. From NPR: An Unexpected Friendship Brought The Sun Out Again For A Grieving Man.

+ “When he tossed his walker aside, the crowd erupted into cheers.” (Even on a good news only day, that line stands out.) Preschooler races thanks to unlikely friendship. (If things fog up a little during this one, don’t worry, it’s not your screen…)

+ Texas 16-year-old asks teacher to adopt him, and she does.

+ “It started because I didn’t want to go to summer camp.” Instead, this 10 year-old started feeding the homeless. One meal at a time.

+ “The inquisitive word lover had just one question for his mom that day in January, when the two were in the car and he turned stop into pots: ‘What do we call a word that spells another word backwards?'” A six year-old kid decided to call them Levi-dromes. And it seems that the internet agrees. (And by the internet, I mean Shatner.)

+ “Sometimes cash, sometimes Square — I don’t know which one people used most. I think it was cash, but it’s good that we have both.” Lessons from the girl who sold the most Girl Scout cookies in Brooklyn.