Reversing Neutrality

FCC Ajit Pai announced plans to reverse Obama-era net neutrality rules intended to preserve an open and fair internet. “On the chopping block are rules established in 2015 that prevent broadband companies from charging more for internet fast lanes for certain content and from blocking or slowing certain content. Critics charge that removing the rules will hand ISPs control of the internet – allowing them to pick winners and losers by slowing some services while giving preferential treatment to those they favor.” Sorry consumers and indie internet businesses, but you’ve been taking advantage of your ISPs for long enough…

+ From Pai: “Under my proposal, the federal government will stop micromanaging the internet. Instead, the FCC would simply require internet service providers to be transparent about their practices so that consumers can buy the service plan that’s best for them.” (Unfortunately, the content they plan to make transparent will only be available at 28.8K speeds…)

+ This, from Mozilla’s blog: “Our position is clear: the end of net neutrality would only benefit Internet Service Providers (ISPs). That’s why we’ve led the charge on net neutrality for years to ensure everyone has access to the entire internet.” (Yes, Mozilla is my sponsor. But no, they didn’t ask me to link to this or anything else. I’m doing it because they’re on the right side of the issue: Yours.)

+ Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled. And in the NYT.

+ “I led Facebook’s efforts to fix privacy problems on its developer platform in advance of its 2012 initial public offering. What I saw from the inside was a company that prioritized data collection from its users over protecting them from abuse.” NYT: We Can’t Trust Facebook to Regulate Itself.

+ In an era when deregulation is the mantra, the DOJ just filed a lawsuit to stop AT&T from buying CNN. Here are seven reasons to be suspicious.

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