Battery of Assaults

The NY premiere of Louis C.K.’s movie, I Love You, Daddy was canceled hours before it was set to start because of news of a breaking NYT story. Shortly thereafter, the story broke: Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say.

+ Kevin Spacey is being erased and replaced in a Ridley Scott movie premiering in December.

+ A woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14. Alabama’s state auditor came to Moore’s defense: “Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.” (I think I’ll just stay here in my political bubble…)

+ NY Mag: The Powerful Predators on Capitol Hill: “There’s an anti-snitch thing — you don’t air your dirty laundry. It gives the other side power.”

+ The Daily Beast: Women in Texas’ statehouse created their own secret spreadsheet to chronicle abuses in the capitol.

+ “Here I was, a strong-willed young athlete. There he was, a charismatic pillar of the community. But I’m the one who, all these many years later, at the age of 68, no matter how happy and together I may be, continues to deal with the rage and the shame that comes with being silenced.” Diana Nyad in the NYT: My Life After Sexual Assault.

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