The Fire Still Burns

It was a remarkably dry few years across California, but last winter, the skies opened and the region was finally hit with the most rain and snow most of us could remember. Little did we know that the increased precipitation would be an element in the perfect storm of elements that led to what will likely be the state’s worst wildfire ever. LA Times: Why the 2017 fire season is shaping up to be one of California’s worst.

+ Jan Pascoe and her husband John jumped into their pool and survived for several hours before being rescued. Carmen and Armando Berriz used the same strategy. Sadly, only one of them made it out.

+ “It’s the house he died in. All of their memorabilia and everything is all gone.” SF Gate: Wildfire burns home of ‘Peanuts’ creator Charles Schulz.

+ If you’re looking for the right place to make a donation, I recommend the Tipping Point Emergency Relief Fund. 100% of your money will to organizations on the front lines. I know the Tipping Point well and trust them completely.

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