Can I Get a Witness?

The Harvey Weinstein story is big because it involves a powerful perpetrator and celebrity victims operating in America’s most obsessively observed industry. But it’s also big because of its connections to the broader story of sexual harassment and abuse; who comes forward, how we treat them when they do, and what happens next. It’s easy, now, to make public pronouncements about the repugnancy of Weinstein’s monstrous history of abuse. What’s more difficult is figuring out a way to urge more victims to come forward, and to ensure that they’re not punished, in one way or another, for doing so. The New Yorker’s Jill Tolentino with a short, powerful piece on how men like Harvey Weinstein implicate their victims in their acts.

+ Manohla Dargis in the NYT: Harvey Weinstein Is Gone. But Hollywood Still Has a Problem. “What largely separates Mr. Weinstein from other predators, within and without the entertainment world, is that he was once powerful, he got caught and a number of gutsy women are on the record.”

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