Weekend Whats

What to Stick: You know where you can stick it. If not, you better decide now. I made some NextDraft stickers and I want you to have one for free (I’ll even spring for the stamp!). Just give me your address and I’ll take care of the rest. We’ve got to stick together!

+ What to Read: “For anyone who wants to know how to prepare for the future – and how we might shape that future in ways that broadly benefit society, not just technological or entrepreneurial elites—WTF? is an indispensable guide.” So said Reid Hoffman about Tim O’Reilly’s new, excellent book: WTF?: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us. Tim knows this stuff as well as anyone, and there’s never been a more important moment to understand the issues raised in this book.

+ What to Stream: I’m solo with my kids this weekend, and I’ll be spending most of the time convincing them that we should be watching a lot of bands tearing up ACL at the Austin City Music Festival, streaming on RedbullTV.

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