Weekend Whats
What to Kvetch: Curb Your Enthusiasm returns to HBO this weekend, and that comes as pretty, pretty, pretty good news. It’s also Yom Kippur on Saturday, and as a Jewish male, I’m not sure I can handle two religious experiences in the same weekend. To get warmed up, check out this oral history of the early years of CYE, and this Netflix doc about a Dodgers fan who was acquitted of murder thanks in part to the show. (And you know I’m totally unbiased if I’m linking to a good-news story about a Dodgers fan.)
+ What to Cheer: If you’ve been let down by reactions to racism, then take a few minutes and watch this reaction to it from Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria: “Just in case you’re unclear on where I stand on this topic, I’m going to leave you my most important thought today: If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, then you need to get out.” Need more inspiration on the topic? Dallas sportscaster Dale Hansen hit it out of the park.
+ What to Love: In addition to being generally awesome, my wife is a women’s lifestyle guru. Each week, she and her crew share a list of things women will love. Here’s their excellent collection of 10 things we keep loving (including a few that dudes will love too).
+ What to Read: “I just started crying. In front of everyone. I couldn’t believe it. I was in shock, and I stayed in shock for a long time. Everything wiped out. The brand, me, what I do.” Alec Baldwin’s SNL gig as Trump was a major bummer for Darrell Hammond. From WaPo: Losing the part