In the early days of the Internet, we were all pretty sure the network would level the playing field for information distribution and herald in a new era of open communication and free speech. Then came the trolls, the haters, the terrorists, and even the Nazis. Now we find ourselves wondering who gets to decide which speech can be shared on our communal network, and which people have to STFU. Combined with heated debates about “safe spaces” on campus, and increasingly violent clashes between groups with different ideas about who should be allowed to protest in the streets, this issue is pushing us towards a major clash about freedom of speech and who gets to say what, where. Slate’s April Glaser looks at how extremely powerful Internet companies are drawing new lines between free speech and hate speech: The Internet of Hate. “The gutting began before the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, when companies like Airbnb and Facebook booted some of the event’s organizers from their platforms. After the weekend turned deadly and scenes of white-supremacist mobs marching in the streets saturated social media and television, more online businesses began to kick neo-Nazis off, too.” (Get off of my cloud is the new get off of my lawn.)

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