Here’s my effort to make some sense of what we saw in Charlottesville last week, and why there’s still plenty of reason for optimism. “It might seem difficult to find the good in the past week, when neo-Nazis took to the streets, and an American president placed the blame on many sides. But my dad is right. There was good.”
+ “We’ve seen this coming. Donald Trump is not an outlier; he is a culmination, a logical conclusion of the rhetoric and tactics of the Republican Party for the past ten, fifteen, twenty years. What surprised me was the degree to which those tactics and rhetoric completely jumped the rails.” From David Remnick in The New Yorker: Who could have predicted the President’s latest outrage? Barack Obama and anyone, really.
+ GQ: A Most American Terrorist: The Making of Dylann Roof.
+ WaPo: The road to hate: For six young men, Charlottesville is only the beginning.
+ Confederate statues were taken down at University of Texas, and the Confederate flag is no longer one of Six Flags’ six flags.
+ Bloomberg: Can you fire someone for being a white supremacist? Not necessarily.