What to Shine: Trust me, what you need this weekend is to sit down and listen to Mondo Cozmo’s album Plastic Soul on Spotify (or your music service of choice). Mondo Cozmo is the alias of Josh Ostrander, a long time artist from Philly who recently hit it big with the song Shine. I was lucky enough to see Josh play in a room filled without about 25 people at Outside Lands in SF last week. Here’s my recording of an acoustic version of Shine.

+ What to Wear: Mondo Cozmo Josh and I bonded over the fact that we both wear the same hat brand (him, because they’re cool, me, because of the bald spot). Goorin really does make the best baseball caps.

+ What to Hear: Letterman talking to Stern for an hour and a half. What more do you want!?

+ What to Watch: Feel like you need a leader to give a good, level-headed, thoughtful speech about the Confederate statue issue? Well, here’s some good news. NOLA’s Mitch Landrieu already did it a couple months ago.

+ What to Dave: And if you missed it earlier, please give a quick read to the post I wrote about this week, my parents, and you: The Looking Glass.