Cane and Abilify

“I hope our commander in chief understands that we don’t transmit orders via Twitter, and that he can’t, either.” The top military brass, suddenly aware of Trump’s order barring transgender troops from serving in the military, issued a statement indicating that “there will be no modifications to the current policy until the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance … In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect.”

+ In case you thought this challenge to transgender rights was an isolated action, there’s this from Buzzfeed: “The US Justice Department on Wednesday argued in a major federal lawsuit that a 1964 civil rights law doesn’t protect gay workers from discrimination.”

+ “If you want to talk about the chief of staff, we have had odds, we have had differences. When I said we were brothers, from the podium, that’s because we’re rough on each other. Some brothers are like Cain and Abel, other brothers can fight with each other and then get along. I don’t know if this is repairable or not — that will be up to the president.” White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci hasn’t taken long to have an impact. Things have gotten more chaotic, and, in an amazing twist, the overall tone of the administration’s tweets has been taken down a notch. From WaPo: “If Reince wants to explain that he’s not a leaker, let him do that.”

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