Dressed to Kill

The Pentagon and just about all politicians seemed surprised (yes, that’s still possible) by President Trump’s series of Tweets announcing a decision to bar transgender people from serving openly in the United States military: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow …Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

+ Echoing many on both sides of the aisle, Joe Biden responded to the move: “Every patriotic American who is qualified to serve in our military should be able to serve. Full stop.” (I agree. And that even includes people who have bone spurs in their feet.)

+ Here’s some excellent reporting from Rachael Bade And Josh Dawsey in Politico that explains how (and how fast) this decision took place.

+ Trump argued that the decision was based in part on the “tremendous medical costs.” Here’s the truth about that. Try to guess which drug the military spends five times as much on as it would on transgender troops’ medical care. (Hint: If your search for an answer lasts more than four hours…)

+ “Chris would be awarded the Bronze Star with valor, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal, and about 50 other ribbons and medals. He would dislocate a shoulder, shatter a kneecap, be hit by a rocket-propelled grenade on his fortieth birthday, break two vertebrae in his back on a boat near Somalia and complete the mission anyway, and fly home sleeping among the flag-draped coffins of 19 of his brothers.” From GQ: Kristin Beck: A Navy SEAL in Transition. Plus, Beck’s response to today’s announcement.

+ David Remnick: “Trump’s decision to bar transgender people from the military is pure politics, cheap and cruel politics, a naked attempt to divert attention from his woes, to hold on to support from his base—a base that he believes will cheer his latest attempt to do battle with the secular-humanist coastal élites who are so obsessed with identity politics.”

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