Reds Leave Feds Scratching Heads
“The Russian document cited a supposed email describing how then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch had privately assured someone in the Clinton campaign that the email investigation would not push too deeply into the matter. If true, the revelation of such an understanding would have undermined the integrity of the FBI’s investigation.” That document is said to have played a role in the decision by James Comey to go public with the FBI’s findings related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server. But get this… “According to the FBI’s own assessment, the document was bad intelligence — and according to people familiar with its contents, possibly even a fake sent to confuse the bureau.” From WaPo How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe.
+ The Russians don’t just hack elections. Here’s Wired on how Russians engineered a brilliant slot machine cheat that the the casinos don’t know how to fix. (Maybe we can find some common ground on this issue…)