Beauty and the Beast

Ariana Grande sings the title track from Beauty and the Beast, and that’s an apt headline for the miserable news of a suicide bombing that killed at least 22 people who were attending Grande’s concert in Manchester. The beauty of young people gathering to enjoy music and community was squelched by the all-too familiar, beastly sound of an explosion. ISIS claimed responsibility and the bomber, a British man, has been named. Here’s the latest from BBC and more from The Guardian.

+ “Like the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, it’s something so horrific in intent and execution that it boggles the mind.” From The Atlantic: The Horror of an Attack Targeting Young Women.

+ Manchester, United: From Buzzfeed: People of Manchester are responding to the concert attack with acts of kindness.

+ Some people complained about the security at the venue, but the bomber exploited a common vulnerability.

+ From President Trump: “I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name. I will call them from now on losers because that’s what they are. They’re losers. And we’ll have more of them. But they’re losers—just remember that.”

+ According to Variety, Ariana Grande hasn’t decided whether or not to cancel her tour. Here’s my message to Ariana: Don’t cancel the rest of the tour. Pick up your mic and keep singing, louder than ever. Beastly acts must be met with more beauty, more community, and more music; not less.

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