Gene Belly

“A wave of startups promises to optimize diet and fitness through gene-tailored regimens. Does it matter if they don’t really work?” When it comes to diets, has it ever mattered whether they really work? From Backchannel: These DNA Diet Apps Want to Rule Your Health.

+ A rare bit of good news for chickens. The ones that live longer, taste better.

+ NYT: “Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that school meals would no longer have to meet some requirements connected with Mrs. Obama’s initiative to combat childhood obesity by overhauling the nation’s school menus.”

+ Why your organic milk may not be organic. (It’s got a picture of a cow on the side of the carton, how the hell could it not be organic?)

+ WaPo: People think juicing is good for them. They’re wrong.

+ Guiness finally goes vegan.

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