A Custodial Account

“He was clearly bright, as evidenced by his class rank and teachers’ praise. He had a supportive recommendation from his college counselor and an impressive list of extracurriculars. Even with these qualifications, he might not have stood out. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school custodian.” A former admissions director at Dartmouth on the most memorable letter of recommendation she’s ever read.

+ “Honestly, to have one child from a family be accepted to a school like this is amazing. But for all four to be accepted — I just don’t, I don’t know how it happened.” WaPo on the Ohio quadruplets who all earned spots at Yale and Harvard.

+ Bloomberg: Video gaming becomes a scholarship sport at University of Utah. (This is why I keep telling my kids to put down the damn books and grab a joystick.)

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