Your Money or Your Life

The House GOP released its much-anticipated Obamacare replacement, and its getting pushback from both sides of the aisle (which is to be expected, since it’s complicated). Here’s an overview of the new health care plan and how it differs from the Affordable Care Act.

+ NYT Upshot: Repeal bill would cut funding for poor and taxes on rich.

+ Oddly, many pages of the plan are devoted to specific rules that apply to lottery winners.

+ President Trump told Planned Parenthood that they could keep getting funded if they stopped providing abortion services. Planned Parenthood declined the offer.

+ Utah Rep Jason Chaffetz established himself as the politician with the worst bedside manner when he effectively told lower income Americans to take two of these and call me in the morning (presumably, from a payphone): “Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice. So maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care.” Forget about the tone-deaf condescension. Jason Chaffetz just made the worst political move imaginable. He’s running against iPhones… (And as it always does, the Internet came through with Chaffetz’s own Apple habit.)

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