Vetting or Abetting?
“The document, from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, makes the case that most foreign-born, U.S.-based violent extremists are likely not radicalized when they come to the U.S., but rather become radicalized after living in the U.S. for a number of years.” A newly leaked report hammers home the point that the travel ban is totally unrelated to making us safe.
+ It’s more than the fact that the ban is (and always has been) based on a fictional threat. It’s that it very likely increases the threat of domestic terrorism. Here’s my take: Heavy Vetting or Aiding and Abetting?
+ You can be in favor of the deportations. But you should know who’s being deported. From the Houston Chronicle: “The government’s decision to remove the 31-year-old father, who has no criminal record and is married to an American citizen, is the latest indication that President Donald Trump’s administration plans to deport practically any immigrant here illegally.” And here’s a story of an undocumented dad arrested while dropping his kids of school.
+ “An immigration judge granted his release only hours before, during a hearing in Kansas City, Mo., noting that he had received a surprising array of supportive letters about Mr. Hernandez from leaders in West Frankfort, Ill., including the county prosecutor, deputy chief of police and a retired member of the Illinois State Police.” From the NYT: Backed by Law Enforcement, Undocumented Immigrant Gets Reprieve.