Jeff’d Up

DC is accelerating into full scandal mode following a WaPo report that Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Russian Ambassador on two occasions last year — and failed to disclose those meetings during his confirmation hearings or in written testimony. President Trump indicated that he had “total” confidence in Sessions and that he “probably” testified truthfully. Meanwhile, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle are calling on Sessions to recuse himself from any Russian investigations, while top Dems are calling on him to resign.

+ As investigators and reporters struggle to open each layer of an increasingly complex Matryoshka doll, here’s a refresher on the three Russian scandals being examined.

+ Around the same time as WaPo broke the Sessions story, the NYT reported on the actions taken by members of the Obama Administration in an effort to preserve intelligence related to Russia’s election hacking: “Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.”

+ If you’re tired of all the scandal-related stuff, there was also this news out of DC: Newly sworn in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke showed up to his first day of work on horseback. (And no, it wasn’t a Russian Trotter…)

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