Mike Drop
An inadvertent briefing with incomplete information… That’s the reason Mike Flynn gave as he broke a record for the shortest tenure of any key White House official. Flynn, known for occasionally propping up fake news was ultimately brought down by real news: “Flynn stepped down amid mounting pressure on the Trump administration to account for its false statements about Flynn’s conduct after The Washington Post reported Monday that the Justice Department had warned the White House last month that Flynn had so mischaracterized his communications with the Russian diplomat that he might be vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.” From WaPo: Mike Flynn resigns as national security adviser.
+ Flynn Through the Out Door: A month ago, the acting attorney general informed the Trump administration “that she believed Michael Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the nature of his communications with the Russian ambassador” and that Flynn was therefore vulnerable to blackmail. That acting attorney general: Sally Yates. (The same person Trump fired for refusing to defend the ban.)
+ In a highly anticipated tweet. Trump argued that “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?” (Pretty sure those leaks will be coming from the busboy at Mar-a-Lago.) Trump is right about one thing. His administration leaks more than the Oroville Dam.
+ 10 unanswered questions after Michael Flynn’s resignation.
+ “Aides said they strive to avoid appearing ‘weak’ or ‘low energy’ — two of Trump’s least favorite attributes.” Upheaval is now standard operating procedure inside the White House. Maybe it’s time to Putin, the A team. Wait, I mean put in the A team…
+ Does this mean that Omarosa is one step closer to the presidency?