“Holiday wish lists for foodies and coffee snobs this year include Hario V60 ceramic pour-over dripper cones, highly sensitive digital brewing scales, burr grinders and, for stocking stuffers, bags of small-lot Ethiopian and Panamanian beans. (The truly optimistic are also including La Marzocco’s mini Linea espresso machine, which retails for a cool $4,500.)” But back in the day, what the coffee snobs really wanted was a Mister Coffee. (I’m still holding out for a gender neutral model.)

+ Quartz: ” In addition to his grace and military prowess, America’s first president was known for confining his stronger opinions to private letters rather than public outbursts, for his love of the theater, and for having hands so large that he had to wear custom-made gloves.” And George Washington was also determined to drain the swamp. But in this case, it was a real swamp.