If you visited just about any news site on Tuesday, you encountered a top news story about another presidential tweet. This time its target was Boeing: “Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!” Is this news? Yes, for a variety of reasons, it really is. But is it the day’s top story? Hell no. But that’s the kind of coverage it got. Donald Trump will soon be America’s new Commander in Chief. But apparently his role as America’s Editor in Chief has already started. Here’s my message to the folks who run big media outlets: You’re Editors. So Edit.

+ If you’re looking for a big air travel related story, there’s always this: United Airlines will charge an extra fee for use of overhead bins. (By my count, about 95% percent of social media posts are either about Trump or United Airlines.)