Chris Arnade in The Guardian: The early Trump voters I met were the losers from these changes. Their once superior status – based only on being white – was being dismantled, while their lack of education was also being punished. They lived in towns and communities devastated by economic upheaval. They were born in them and stayed in them, despite their fall. For many, who had focused on their community over career, it felt like their entire world was collapsing.” (Many on the other side now know that feeling.)

+ And worth another look, from Larissa MacFarquhar: West Virginia used to vote solidly Democratic. Now it belongs to Trump. What happened? “When people talk about Trump, they talk about how they don’t like the establishment or the élites. When they say that, they mean who they see on television–they envision people in New York City making fun of them and calling them stupid. Every time you leave the state, you get it.” (I’ve spent a lot of time reading about this and have recommended JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy to you in the past. I just thought Trump was too terrible of a candidate to capitalize on this. To quote the President-elect: “Wrong.”)