Donald Trump Jr. hasn’t had a great social media month. And it may have hit a new low when he tried to explain the Syrian refugee threat by sharing a candy analogy. “If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you just three would kill you. Would you take a handful?” (If your dad wins, I’ll eat the whole bowl.)

+ While the silliness of the analogy stands on its own, matters were made worse when Skittles responded. You know you’re having a bad day when candy hates you.

+ But wait, there’s more. It turns out that the photographer who took the photo of the bowl of Skittles shared by Trump Jr. was a refugee as a child.

+ The stupidest thing about the whole Skittles thing is that everyone knows illegal aliens eat Reese’s Pieces.

+ “Norman would walk into a tournament, and it was awe-inspiring to watch. Everyone knew he would win in the left, right and over all. At that point, all the guys knew they were only shooting for second place, at best.” As the NYT reports, Arm Wrestler Norman Devio is now 75. And he’s still kicking ass.