Girl Meets World

“It was the most policy-packed speech so far of either convention, ranging from early childhood education to the role of climate change in American foreign policy and everything in between.” In Vox, Matthew Yglesias argues that Bill Clinton’s speech sold Hillary’s legacy with a speech only he could deliver. While I thought the details of the speech were effective, I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about the beginning of the speech when Clinton focused on his courtship of Hillary (“I met a girl”). Everyone in America was thinking the exact same thing, but no one was saying it out loud. It also occurred to me that while Bill Clinton is one of the great orators of our time, his cadence and the length of his speeches are from a pre-digital-distraction era.

+ And in other news, Hillary Clinton is now the first female presidential candidate of a major American party. (It’s pretty remarkable it took this long.)

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