Sit Happens

Historically, sit-ins have been reserved for groups with very little power and few other options, which makes them the perfect vehicle for Congressional gun control advocates. After all, there have been few American political battles that have been as totally dominated as the NRA’s vs its opponents. (The Harlem Globetrotters lose more contests than the NRA.) As of mid-afternoon on Wednesday, 100 House members (led by John Lewis) staged a sit-in in Congress and vowed not to move until they get “gun-control votes on measures that would prevent suspected terrorists from buying firearms and expand background checks.”

+ Digg has some video from the scene. But that video has been hard to come by as the GOP-led House opted to turn the cameras off. (For a second I got excited because I thought C-Span had finally canceled Congress).

+ Meanwhile, the families of Sandy Hook victims are bypassing Congress and looking to the courts to limit assault weapons. The New Yorker on a case that basically accuses the AR-15 of lying to its customers.

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