The Exercism
If your endorphins are pumping after a good workout, then I hate to be the one to bum your high. So I’ll blame it on The Atlantic’s Olga Khazan who shared this data: “A new study shows that from 1988 to 2006, women more than doubled their frequency of exercise, while men upped theirs by nearly 50 percent. The prevalence of obesity among Americans increased from 23 percent to 35 percent in the same time period.” Exercise is undoubtedly excellent for your physical and mental health. But hoping that it alone will solve the obesity crisis is an exercise in futility.
+ “She walked up to the bar, howled, bent down, and lifted the weight to her mid-thigh, in what is called a dead lift. She exhaled, arched her back, and dropped the bar and the plates to the floor. “Yes!” she screamed. “F*cking sh#t! I did it!” That was Lee Winroth as she unofficially broke a dead lifting world record for her age/weight group. But she didn’t start weightlifting to set records. She did it to cure her scoliosis. The New Yorker’s Ian Frisch on the accidental powerlifting world-record holder.