Bottom of the News
With all the controversy over the Oscar nominees, I’m guessing this isn’t gonna go over particularly well. Joseph Fiennes just got cast to play Michael Jackson in a roadtrip comedy. (Maybe he’ll play opposite Rachel Dolezal as Ice Cube.)
+ Syndicated from Kottke: Watch these inspiring film pioneers in this behind the scenes look at the first movie shot entirely with a Prius backup camera.
+ ESPN: On Jan. 15, legendary surfers took on Maui’s skyscraper-sized waves. The best-case scenario was an epic, record-breaking ride. The worst was death. (The other day I skipped my walk because it was sprinkling.)
+ Slate: These McDonald’s Mozzarella Sticks Have a Problem: No Cheese. (It’s only a problem until you experience the wonder of deep-fried air.)