Mad Max

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan celebrated the birth of their daughter Max with an open letter to her and a pledge to give away, donate, or invest 99% of their Facebook shares. (This is one of the rare times when an adult knows exactly why a newborn is crying.) I’m not jealous Zuck can afford to give away $45 billion. But I am pissed his first kid photo post beat my best by more than 1.28 million likes.

+ It shouldn’t surprise anyone that some on social media have greeted the pledge with cynicism and disdain (which, along with email, make up the Internet’s killer app hat trick). I found the move mostly inspiring, but also a little troubling. I explain why in my post: How Mark Zuckerberg just explained his generation.

+ WaPo: Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffett and the triumph of competitive philanthropy.

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