Read This For the Articles

“You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passé at this juncture.” So said Playboy’s chief executive Scott Flanders as he explained that Playboy will no longer feature naked photos. (In other news, Vegas banned gambling and the Internet no longer allows overt displays of Schadenfreude.) On one hand, this is no big deal. No new strategy from the magazine should surprise us considering they’ve watched their circulation drop “from 5.6 million in 1975 to about 800,000 now.” On the other hand, this publishing milestone does act as a reminder (as if we needed one) of just how widespread and easily available adult content has become in the last decade. From the NYT: Playboy to drop nudity as Internet fills demand.

+ And it is true. A lot of the articles are excellent. Longform has put together a collection of some of the best from over the years.

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