The Big Mo
A little more than 25 minutes in, there seems to be a small glitch that many have suggested indicates that the video has been edited. If you’ve been to any news sites today, there’s a good chance you know which video I’m talking about. The arrest and mysterious death of Sandra Bland is dominating the headlines. And that has almost nothing to do with her. And almost everything to do with the way her story fits into an existing and heavily-covered storyline. You learn a few things by visiting nearly a hundred news sites every morning. One of them is that there are few forces as powerful as media momentum. Here’s my look at Sandra Bland, media momentum, and why top of meme is always top of mind.
+ Officials say the Sandra Bland video wasn’t edited. There were just technical issues.
+ “The release of a video of Sandra Bland’s arrest doesn’t explain how the 28-year-old ended up dead in a Texas jail cell, but it makes a convincing case that she never should have been jailed in the first place.” In The Atlantic, David A. Graham wonders: How many Sandra Blands are out there?