Location, Location, Location
A new study shows the connection between geography and upward mobility. “Based on the earnings records of millions of families that moved with children, it finds that poor children who grow up in some cities and towns have sharply better odds of escaping poverty than similar poor children elsewhere.” The Upshot on the importance of place. And guess which large city gives kids the worst odds of escaping poverty? Baltimore.
+ “Kids living in violent neighborhoods don’t want fewer police and less protection, they want more of both.” I just wrote Five Thoughts About Baltimore Organized Into a List (because the last thing anyone needs is another think piece about Baltimore.)
+ “To recreate Gray’s 45-minute ride in a police van, plainclothes officers rolled a $250,000 laser imaging system on a tripod down potholed roads and cracked sidewalks, ready to tell residents who questioned them that they were city surveyors.” The Baltimore Sun with an exclusive look inside the Freddie Gray investigation.