TMI Did It

And you thought you had an oversharing problem … For the past few weeks, HBO has been airing an excellent documentary called Jinx, which chronicles the life and crimes of Robert Durst, the eldest son in a wealthy NYC real estate family. Durst is a suspect in the disappearance of his first wife, somehow got off after dismembering a neighbor in Texas, and is also suspected of murdering his best friend and spokesperson in LA. In the riveting conclusion of the series, Durst essentially admits to the crimes while muttering to himself: “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.” (Maybe Durst should have written The Sopranos finale…) This conclusion was made even more intense because, just before it aired, Durst was arrested in New Orleans, and now could face another murder trial.

+ The LAPD says the timing of the investigation was a coincidence and the documentary played no part in the arrest in this very cold case. Either way, this is about to be the most watched court case since OJ.

+ The Jinx director said he gave authorities his evidence months ago.

+ Five documentaries that uncovered the truth behind the crime.

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