The Bottom of the News

Sony’s Amy Pascal, who was removed from the top spot at her studio following the Sony hack and The Interview controversy, hasn’t been able to move into her new office space. It turns out that the space was last occupied by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, and it’s taking longer than expected to get rid of the pot stench. (Isn’t that basically what led to all Pascal’s problems in the first place?)

+ Presidential candidate Ben Carson just argued that “homosexuality is a choice because many people ‘go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay.'”

+ Wired: Why are audiophiles paying $1,000 for this man’s vinyl?

+ Girl Scout cookies (their names, tastes, and textures) can vary widely depending on where you live.

+ Is that Vince Vaughn posing for stock photos?

+ You want to see what Prince looked like when he was on his junior high basketball team. And, as per usual, the Internet delivers. He was number 3 and always in key.

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