The Bottom of the News

This one is presented without comment: “According to the Associated Press, Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri asked a doctor testifying before the House State Affairs Committee whether a woman could have a remote gynecological exam by swallowing a tiny camera. Dr. Julie Madsen told him no, that’s not possible, because items that are swallowed do not end up in the vagina.”

+ From Reuters: Whips, chains and capitalism: What Fifty Shades of Grey is really about.

+ Outside: “Ben Lecomte will step into the Pacific Ocean in Japan and, over the next five months, attempt to become the first swimmer to cover the 5,500 miles to California.” Damn, this guy must really like California.

+ As it reaches its final episode, here’s an oral history of the creation and evolution of Parks And Recreation.

+ Christina Aguilera singing This Little Piggy as Britney Spears. (Seriously, Internet, what more could you want?)

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