Relax, become aware of your breath and, if you encounter distractions, quietly escort them from your mind, without judgment. Either that, or put down the damn cellphone. In the age of graphical charts, here’s one I’d like to see: The correlation between the rise of mobile devices and the popularity of meditation. Both are everywhere these days. Mindfulness is as popular as gluten is unpopular. And meditation classes are being taken by everyone; “college students, parents and prisoners; soldiers, the overweight and the lovelorn; the Seattle Seahawks, public school kids and members of Congress; Oprah, Chopra and Arianna.” From the LA Times: Meditation booms as people seek a way to slow down.

+ Slate: “Meditation says to focus on the present. But life may be more meaningful if you don’t.” (That’s a relief because I have about 114 tabs open right now.)