Mission Position

“Someone splattered paint on the front of their building. Then the couple found ‘Evict the Yuppies!’ scrawled on the sidewalk outside the entrance. At nearby corners, protesters were rallying against tech company buses.” Many urban centers are experiencing a kind of hyper-gentrification that rapidly transforms neighborhoods and puts housing prices far out of the reach of even those who have good jobs. Some argue the good times are rolling over the historic flavor of communities and leaving a trail of evictions and homogenized entitlement in their wake. The Mission District has become San Francisco’s ground zero in the growing battle between bearded, vinyl spinning, designer coffee-drinking, Google Bus-powered, ironic T-shirt wearing Yuppie hipsters and a vocal group of longtime locals who are yelling, “No mas.” In a story that will seem familiar to anyone living in a burgeoning tech region, Joe Garofoli and Carolyn Said of the SF Chronicle ask: To whom does San Francisco’s oldest neighborhood belong? (It’s only a matter of time before a startup comes up with a big data crunching app to try to answer that question.)

+ “We’re locals. We’re not an unknown corporate entity owned by unnamed people in faraway places.” The NY Times with an updated picture of life on the waterfront: A Chocolate Factory in Brooklyn.

+ “The locals say they don’t like the tech folks pouring into town to work at places like Google. They’re insular. They’re driving up housing prices.” And they’re talking about Boulder.

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